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Your Path

23 Aug

I do await the day.

The day my foot touches the soil,

That I choose to walk on.


For if I choose to come back,

And I will,

It’ll be on my own accord.

Not the dotted lines I followed.


Respecting my being,

Is much more important

Than following a plan.


A plan–

I neither had a say,

Nor an opinion in.


I suppose it wouldn’t have mattered anyways.





My Veil

3 Aug

The sun never thinks of shining

The wolf with its unquestioning howl

So I don’t question my purpose either

I shine because God Wills it

and I howl because I can



Four feet of silk wrapped around my head

The color of cream

Pinned to perfection

Smooth at the base of my neck

My hijab, my beautiful veil.


Worn firmly, worn proudly,

Worn unapologetically


No one can tell you what to feel

or what they didn’t make you feel

Those are yours alone,

own them well

And own them unapologetically


So I walk like I have angels on my sides

Because I do

And I act like I have God guiding me

Because I do


Your feet are yours

Your path is not mine

I can’t make you swim,

when you own wings

So fly as you will,

wings spread widely,

proudly, and unapologetically


And every morning before I leave

My hands move in instinct motions

Wrapping a layer of gratefulness

A layer of humility

And a pin for worship



August 3rd, 2009 was when I chose to wear hijab, This poem is to celebrate my 8th proud year of this decision✌

Glassy Look

21 Jul

Sometimes the eyes reveal.

Not what’s on the tongue,

Nor what you already know,

Or have heard.


The eyes–

They often reveal something hidden,

Tucked away,


In that dusty spot on the heart.

Away from the prying eyes of the world.


For the world judges,

And misjudges.


But worst of all,

You do the same for yourself.


When you look in those eyes,

Sometimes you just know.

You see it, you can’t explain it,

But you just know.


& you let it go.



June 5th, 2017

7 Jun

Why is it always the woman

who has to compromise,


bargain her beliefs,

bend her values,

& sell her faith

to be seen as a “Good Woman”


I don’t care for that title.

I’d rather be sane,

comfortable in my skin,

at peace with my mind,

values in tact.


Everything I do is for my God.

If that offends you–

so be it.


Hearing “no” creates character,

which you can use a bit of.


مع سلامة و الله معاك
