Tag Archives: fear

No Excuses.

18 Mar

For quite a few years this invisible force would tighten around my throat when it was time to talk about my religion. Yes, my beautiful, perfect, and glorious religion—Islam, and I would dare hesitate.
Shame on me.

Don’t get me wrong-if a teacher spoke falsely about Islam, I would definitely correct them, or if someone asks me a direct question, I would answer. But that’s where the conversation ended, and I would make no effort in trying to continue.

I always had the false impression that my deen was not well enough and so I developed an insecurity about it– that maybe a few more years of working on it I will be a little bit more knowledgeable and will not be so incompetent to speak on behalf of the most beautiful religion in the world. I was afraid that my words would give injustice and thought I would do best to remain silent. But as someone beautifully quoted at a recent workshop; “Do not wait until your deen is perfected to give Da’wah, but rather giving Da’wah is a means of perfecting your deen.”

And this is true—in my Psychology of Education class we learnt that the more you speak about a subject, not only do you retain the information faster, but you end up believing in it more-which makes you more fluent in the subject and would grasp any opportunity to speak about a subject you are so comfortable with.

And how exactly was I supposed to get comfortable with speaking when everything I know is just there, floating around in my brain, with no one benefiting but myself? What excuse would I give to my creator when on the Day of Judgment I will be asked why I didn’t do my duty in giving da’wah? Confidence issue? Nice try Noor…

But this has changed, and I have changed. And this blog post is to remind me that I’m stepping up my game! As long as I have 100% belief that the message I’m trying to convey is the truth, why am I constantly worried about being wrong?

Alhamdulilah for the workshop I attended. I left the room with my confidence boosted, and my love for Islam to soar higher than ever! I am so fortunate to have a religion that gives me peace of mind-it would be selfish to keep it all to myself. 🙂



I’ll Just Bite My Tongue

3 Feb


My Voice?

It’s like I’m afraid to talk
Like I’m something weak
Can’t catch my voice
It just won’t reach

Don’t know why
Don’t know where from
My tongues always stumbling
Before words have begun

Lost my voice
What do I say?
Maybe its fear
I just can’t say

Fear of what?
The chance of being wrong
Maybe of missing the truth
I have been quiet for too long

Nothing gets said
If I’m always shy
I’d like to be heard,
Oh please before I die!