Tag Archives: love

Monday March 25th, 2013

25 Mar


“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”

–Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)

Three years ago, when I was in Cejep I met this bubbly, adorable, and extremely lovable girl.

Azar Briefkani.

To say it briefly (see what I did there?) she is: amazing, huggable, beautiful, honest, big-hearted, caring, kind, generous, humble, crazy, compassionate, gentle, vicious, sometimes psychotic (out of love), considerate, gorgeous, awesome, open-minded, loving, positive, concerned, encouraging, faithful, fun, trust-worthy, friendly, smiley, joyful, patient, forgiving, thoughtful, hopeful, laughable, optimistic, loyal, insightful, respectful, strong etc…

I had to stop somewhere. I mean, how do you honestly capture someones entire being with words?

Blood or not-when someone is Muslim they become sister or brother and we treat them in such a manner. So you see Azar, I have a very big heart and I love to love people. So I loved you even before I met you simply because of the fact you’re my sister in Islam and humanity.

(This should end the fight between who loves each other more! HA!)

She’s had her up’s and down’s, right’s and left’s, twist and turns, but despite everything-she remained an amazing and faithful friend; always smiling showing her perfect teeth, laughing a laugh so contagious your spirits begin to lift and soon find yourself laughing at the most ridiculous things (like…at me), and I can’t think of a single boring moment when we were together! She brings the stupid side out of me and I love it because I am rather a ridiculous person, and if I can express my stupidity with anyone and not be judged-its Azar.

I can’t even begin to express how encouraging she is. With every small goal I reach-her encouragements are endless. Her hugs are to die for (maybe because we’re both short and  I don’t have to feel bad for the other person to bend their back even though I’m on my tippy toes). And I won’t even bother talking about her edible cheeks. She is an incredible friend (in case I didn’t make that clear enough) and alhamdulilah I am so honored and blessed to have met such a beautiful blessing in my life.

Anyways, its 2:30am-and I have procrastinated for far too long, but I hope you understand how much of a friend you mean to me, and how much I love you for the sake of Allah (love could hardly be captured in words though!). When I see you, I will squish you, and wish you a proper happy birthday.

Happy 22nd Birthday my love! ❤